Monday, January 22, 2007

New Year's Resolutions

Last year, I had four New Year's resolutions:
  • Become more obsessive about swimming
  • Develop an eating disorder
  • Start smoking
  • Start abusing performance-enhancing drugs
Unfortunately, I failed at all four. This year, I'm not going to call them resolutions but rather goals, and see if I do any better:
  • Do a 1:04:00 SCY 100 Freestyle (or moral equivalent)
  • Do a Hood-to-Coast class relay race
  • Get Colt-model like muscles
The swimming goal is a stretch, but not impossible. The running is not very hard, actually. I'm not sure about #3 though. I'm going to do them in order, mainly because #3 will definitely interfere with #1, and more than likely with #2.


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